Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 3

Third week posts.



    Here is a video I found on teachertube that relates to what we are studying. I enjoyed watching this demonstration.

  2. Well Ms. Piper I have to tell you thank you because I the last lecture you help me develop a great plan for next quarter. I am going to have my level twos read "Five people you meet in heaven" in Spanish. I am thrilled. I found all the tools I need to be productive. Ohhh yeah, when I broke the news to my students the offered to purchase the books which made me feel even more excited. I also have been working on a study aboard program for my school for the summer of 2010. See ya soon!

  3. Ladies,

    After Monday's impromptu lesson that I had to teach, a routine I am getting used to by now, Wednesday's lesson was a snap, seeing that I was able to prepare for it. After a quick review of the elements of narrative writing, the class started brainstorming and organizing ideas based upon their favorite picture I asked them to bring in. Some students knew exactly where they wanted to take their ideas; others needed a little more encouragement. I am looking forward to seeing how far they have come on Monday. Here are some of the students topics; and yes, somehow they all relate to photographs they brought in: father and son save the world from zombie attack, a family trip to Europe, and being lost in a magical cave with talking dinosaurs.

  4. Brad, those topics are too funny! I'm glad you finally got to do one of your own lessons. My week was great! I taught all three days (mythology still). I brought in music (my coop teacher was skeptical of course) and I had them do a writing assignment on Friday. They also took a test on Friday, and the scores were good. My coop teacher designed the test, and let me tell you, it wasn't valid (hehe). Anyway, the scores were good and she said she was so glad to have reached them this week (talking about herself). Nevermind that I taught for half the week! I have been grading writing assignments all weekend. I understand now why teachers do not assign writing too often. They take FOREVER to grade.

  5. Hi. I think I am brain dead. I'm not sure where I just posted an entry, but it was supposed to be to you people! Oh, well....
    Brad, you sound like you are really making a connection with the kids. That's great. Danielle, I'm glad your kids did well on their test. Since you taught most of the week, I wonder why your coop teacher didn't allow you to make up the test? Seems like that would have given you a great opportunity.

  6. I am thrilled to see you all on here! Jen, I can't wait to hear how the reading goes with your students.

    I HAVE to share a zombie book with you guys on Monday night!

  7. Danielle, thank you for this great you tube link!

  8. Hey guys!
    I taught for the first time last week and had the students compose ballads of their own from a recent news event. These are 12th graders and needless to say, I had a lot of Michael Phelps getting caught smoking pot ballads. I was, however, suprised at the creativity that these students showed. Again, I am in an Honors class, but most of the boys in the class seem like goof-offs, but really acted like they put time and effort into their ballads. Danielle, I am so happy that your lessons have gone great. I agree with Berkleigh that you should have been able to make up the test, or at least have some input. While teaching my lesson on ballads, I asked to see the unit test so that I would know exactly what needed to be covered and make sure the students had that info. See you guys soon.

  9. Hello all!

    I am in Mrs. Piper's graduate level methods course, and after reading all of your posts over the last couple of weeks, I must say that I have learned a few things from your posts that I could use in my classroom (Brad's narrative essay idea, in particular). You all sound like you are having a range of experiences in your classroom that I either had the pleasure or misfortune of not having myself. As a current full-time teacher (and a veteran to the whole "internship" thing), it DOES get easier (and harder), believe me. Keep up the good work!

  10. I really liked the hearts poetry from this week. I would love to incorporate that into my curriculum and do some fun things, it's just kinda hard when their skill level is so basic.

    I'm going to try to come up with some creative things, but I'm not good at that.

    If anyone has suggestions those are welcome here.

  11. Hey everybody!

    Well Wednesday was my first day teaching (that is other than the helping out Ursula and I try to do each day). I think it went pretty well. The kids picked up concepts such as metaphor and alliteration rather quickly. I think they especially enjoyed the fact that the limericks we read were joking about people drowning...
    Anyway, I also introduced the Black History Month Haiku (stolen from Mrs. Piper of course). It's going to be a little slow going, because the teacher wants them to only work on it at school so they don't lose their materials. They seem to be pretty excited they get to do something creative.
    Speaking of creative, I'm jealous Brad gets to incorporate zombies into his LP. IT IS ON! I am also jealous (call me crazy) that I do not get assignments to grade over the weekend. Our students haven't really done writing assignments or essays so far. Only simple poems that they construct for homework then turn in during class. Anybody need me to grade something?


  12. Pretty typical week for me. I had to miss two days due to being on a textbook adoption committee. I was at South all day and then got to go back to school for baseball until about 6:00 or so. I think my dog is getting mad at me for not being home to let her out on time (ha). I also got a new student from CLC who is currently on trial for armed robbery. He has a violent history with teachers so why not stick him in the coach's class even though I already have about 36 kids in there. Oh well, this too shall pass I suppose. I forgot to mention in my earlier post, I too, am in Ms. Piper's graduate methods course. I teach at Theodore High School and have been so for about 3 years now. I started teaching at Dunbar Magnet. Whoever is observing there, tell Mr. King and Coach Daniel I said hey. Anyway, more to come in the following weeks about the adventures in teaching.

  13. This week we started on the poetry unit. I had a lot of fun coming up with a beautiful power point that covered the subcategories of poetry. Paige and I "temporarily borrowed" the idea from another teacher to have students create a literary device booklet as well. I have a major concern with covering important material in a day. Why don't teachers like to do fun activities?

  14. Michael, it's good to have you from Theodore. I'm a THS alum and I'll be doing the second half of my methods there with Mrs. Wagner. I'm looking forward to it. This has been a fun week for me at Hankins. I volunteered to help with the Sweetheart Dance Friday night, and boy was it something else! I had fun though, and it was obvious that the students were having fun too. I hope all this extra volunteering and trying to make a good impression will work in my favor next January when it comes time for me to get a job! Regardless, though, I am learning so much and I'm discovering a great deal about myself in my future profession.
